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Charles Viancin Lilypad Lid- Med/Small 8″

TheCharles Viancin Lily Pad Lid is a beautiful and practicalalternative to plastic wrap. Unlike plastic wrap this siliconelid can be reused over and over. The lid seals tight on allsmooth rims, meaning any bowl can be used for food storage.The Lily Pad Lid creates an airtight, watertight seal forreheating and storing. It can also be used while serving food,to keep your dishes hot or cold for longer. Each lid is oven,microwave, dishwasher, and heat safe up to 500 degreesFahrenheit.

  • 8Lid in Lilypad Design
  • Theperfect blend of fun and functional, our lids work effectively on awide variety of sizes, shapes, and materials including: stainlesssteel, glass, plastic, ceramic, and even wood. Essentially, thesilicone lid acts as a large suction cup which creates an airtightseal that insulates both hot and cold foods, deters pests, andpreserves freshness and flavor.

  • Ourlids are incredibly durable. Made from BPA-free silicone, they areable to withstand extreme temperatures ranging from 220 degrees C /428 degrees F to -40 degrees C / -40 degrees F.

  • CHARLESVIANCIN lids help keep messes contained to your pots and pans andnot all over your kitchen counter. Done are the days of wastingplastic wrap and aluminum foil. Our lids can be used over and overagain and are incredibly easy to clean.

  • Thesilicone construction ensures that our lids are safe to use withmost appliances including: ovens, microwaves, refrigerators,freezers, and dishwashers.

Ships fast & free from Lake Forest, CA!


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